Ceramoteca medieval: Materialidad y Virtualidad. Un nuevo instrumento docente y de divulgación. CERAMED
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10481/68960Metadatos
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García Porras, Alberto; Fernández Navarro, Esteban; Busto Zapico, Miguel; Martín Ramos, Laura; Dorado Alejos, Alberto; Ríos Jiménez, Juan Manuel; Peregrina Sánchez, María JoséEditorial
Universidad de Granada
Docencia Arqueología Medieval Al- Andalus Cerámica Andalusi
2021-05-31Referencia bibliográfica
Memoria de Proyectos de Innovación y Buenas Prácticas Docentes
Vicerrectorado Docencia, Unidad de Calidad, Innovación Docente y Prospectiva, Plan FIDO; Departamento de Historia Medieval y Ciencias y Técnicas Historiográficas; Grupo de Investigación "Producción, Intercambio y Materialidad" (HUM-1035); Escuela de Arte, GranadaResumen
This teaching innovation project will create an exhibition space in the Department of Medieval History and Historiographic Sciences and Techniques that brings together archaeological pieces, their experimental reproductions and their 3D digital models, along with historical and archaeological information. The purpose of the CERAMED exhibition is to support both the teaching and the studies carried out within the framework of the disciplines of our competence. The entire university community will be able to enjoy viewing this didactic resource exhibited in a public space with free access. Specifically, the pieces chosen will be related to teaching in: " Arqueología de los Asentamientos y de los Paisajes Andalusíes" (Degree in Archeology), " Arqueología de al-Andalus y de las Sociedades Islámicas" (Degree in Archeology), " Arqueología de la producción de y la cultura material en el mundo medieval y postmedieval” (Master in Archeology) and “Cerámica Medieval y Postmedieval. Técnicas de análisis y registro arqueológico” (University extension course, Fundación General Universidad de Granada-Empresa).
The CERAMED Innovation Project makes available to students different and innovative teaching resources (original, experimental and digital pieces). The process to achieve innovation will consist of the selection and cataloging of the pieces; choice of physical and virtual exhibition space; realization of experimental and digital reproductions.
The main objective of the innovation seeks to introduce into the learning process of the students of the Degree in Archeology and the Master in Archeology different resources (classical, experimental and digital) existing in these areas of knowledge. In addition, a basic knowledge will be provided on the management of technological tools related to the digital Humanities that will allow them to develop research projects oriented to the world of work.