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dc.contributor.authorCabrera, Manuel
dc.contributor.authorLópez Alonso, Mónica 
dc.contributor.authorGarach Morcillo, Laura 
dc.contributor.authorAlegre Bayo, Francisco Javier 
dc.contributor.authorOrdóñez García, Bonifacio Javier 
dc.contributor.authorAgrela, Francisco
dc.identifier.citationCabrera, M.; López-Alonso, M.; Garach, L.; Alegre, J.; Ordoñez, J.; Agrela, F. Feasible Use of Recycled Concrete Aggregates with Alumina Waste in Road Construction. Materials 2021, 14, 1466. 10.3390/ma14061466es_ES
dc.description.abstractThe management of different industrial by-products, such as recycled aggregates from construction and demolition waste and alumina by-products, as well as the reduction of landfill deposits by incorporating these products in a second life cycle, were the focus of this work. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the technical viability of using these waste and by-product as a material for road pavement base layers. For this purpose, a real-scale application was carried out, and the behavior of three types of materials, applied on a section of an experimental road under real vehicle traffic conditions, was studied and compared. Three materials were used in these sections applied in the road sub-bases. First, a control material composed of a type of artificial gravel was used to be compared with the rest of materials; the second material was composed of recycled aggregates, and the third was composed of a mix of recycled aggregates and alumina waste. The results concluded that the effectiveness of the sections built using recycled aggregates and alumina waste was very positive and similar those constructed using natural aggregates.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipIsolux-Corsan Constructiones_ES
dc.rightsAtribución 3.0 España*
dc.subjectRecycled aggregateses_ES
dc.subjectRecycled alumina wastees_ES
dc.subjectCivil infrastructureses_ES
dc.subjectRoad sectiones_ES
dc.subjectReal scalees_ES
dc.titleFeasible Use of Recycled Concrete Aggregates with Alumina Waste in Road Constructiones_ES
dc.typejournal articlees_ES
dc.rights.accessRightsopen accesses_ES

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