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dc.contributor.authorCama Pinto, Dora
dc.contributor.authorDamas Hermoso, Miguel 
dc.contributor.authorHolgado Terriza, Juan Antonio 
dc.contributor.authorGómez Mula, Francisco
dc.identifier.citationCama-Pinto, D.; Damas, M.; Holgado-Terriza, J.A.; Gómez-Mula, F.; Calderin-Curtidor, A.C.; Martínez-Lao, J.; Cama-Pinto, A. 5G Mobile Phone Network Introduction in Colombia. Electronics 2021, 10, 922. []es_ES
dc.descriptionThis research received support from the AUIP (Iberoamerican University Association for Postgraduate Studies).es_ES
dc.descriptionThe authors would like to thank the following members of Ericsson and Nokia Company for their valuable technological support in relation to the deployment of 5G networks in Colombia and Latin America. To Ericsson Company: Fabian Monge, Head of Networks & Managed Services Sales LATAM North—Ericsson, Andrés Quintero Arango, Country Manager Colombia— Ericsson, Camilo Beltrán, RAN Sales Domain Manager—Ericsson, Tatiana Dimian, Technical & Solution Sales Colombia—Ericsson. To Nokia Company: Juan Gabriel Mariño Pedroza, Presales Director & Business Development Colombia—Nokia.es_ES
dc.description.abstractThe deployment of the 5G mobile network is currently booming, offering commercially available services that improve network performance metrics by minimizing network latency in countries such as the USA, China, and Korea. However, many countries around the world are still in the pilot phase promoted and regulated by government agencies. This is the case in Colombia, where the assignment of the first 5G band is planned for the third quarter of 2021. By analyzing the results of the pilot phase and the roadmap of the Colombian Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies (MinTIC), we can determine the main issues, which contribute to the deployment of 5G mobile technology as well as the plans to achieve a 5G stand-alone network from 4G networks. This is applicable to other countries in Latin America and the world. Then, our objective is to synthesize and share the most important concepts of 5G mobile technology such as the MIMO (multiple input/multiple output) antenna, RAN (Radio Access Network), C-RAN (Centralised-RAN), and frequency bands, and evaluate the current stage of its introduction in Colombia.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipAUIP (Iberoamerican University Association for Postgraduate Studies)es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución 3.0 España*
dc.subjectMassive MIMOes_ES
dc.subject5G Colombiaes_ES
dc.subject5G triales_ES
dc.subject5G deploymentes_ES
dc.subject5G Latin Americaes_ES
dc.title5G Mobile Phone Network Introduction in Colombiaes_ES
dc.typejournal articlees_ES
dc.rights.accessRightsopen accesses_ES

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