Mostrando ítems 61-69 de 69

      The central thesis of the author argues the decline of the creative powers underlying the interpretation of the world and the modus operandi that make the mode of being of our civilization. In unison, he describes a new malaise in culture, a suffocating feeling in the collective unconscious that expands clandestinely. Based on this analysis, Saez argues that the decline of the West is its agenesis (the impotence of their sociocultural substrate to create itself) and the foolishness that accompanies it (which is a loss of self-estrangement). Such wilderness state of sociocultural world leads to a pathogen which he calls "civilizational autophagy," a complex phenomenon that propels an evolution of civilization against its own autocreadoras powers. The present crisis is this paradoxical involucionista progress, emanating civilizational diseases that take shape in concrete social and political processes. We have to walk from inside tonight sundown to come true lights aurora now looming and that the author figure in three fundamental: the pro-baroque twinkle, flash tragic spirit and the principles of ethics lucidity. [1]
      Trabajo realizado durante el periodo de contrato de una Beca-Contrato del Programa Nacional FPU del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación en el Departamento de Filosofía II de la Universidad de Granada. [1]
      Trabajo realizado gracias a un contrato del Programa de Perfeccionamiento de Doctores de la Universidad de Granada [1]
      Universidad de Granada HUM-432 [1]
      Universidad de Granada. Centro Mediterráneo [1]
      Universidad de Granada. Departamento de Filosofía [1]
      Universidad de La Laguna. Catedra de Enfermería [1]
      Universidad de La Laguna. Escuela de Doctorado y Estudios de Posgrado. [1]
      With financial support from the Vårdal Foundation for Health Care and Allergy Research and Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (the Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation). Läkartidningen (the Journal of the Swedish Medical Association) contributed with advertisement. The VIII Annual Symposium on Biomedicine, Ethics and Society was held on June 12-13 2006 in Sandhamn, Sweden. [1]