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dc.contributor.authorLopez-Caraballo, Lidia
dc.contributor.authorMartorell Marugán, Jordi 
dc.contributor.authorCarmona Sáez, Pedro 
dc.contributor.authorGonzález-Múñoz, Elena
dc.identifier.citationLopez-Caraballo et al. Analysis of Menstrual Blood Stromal Cells Reveals SOX15 Triggers Oocyte-Based Human Cell Reprogramming, iScience 23, 101376 []es_ES
dc.descriptionWe acknowledge the assistance and support of Laboratory for Cell Reprogramming and BIONAND students, colleagues, and collaborators. We thank members of the LARCEL laboratory and Prof. J.B. Cibelli (Michigan State University) for comments, discussion, and support; Dr. Ariane Wittgreen for intellectual input and discussion; and Biobanco del Sistema Sanitario Pu´blico de Andalucı´a for karyotyping and teratoma assay service. The authors thankfully acknowledge the computer resources (IPA software) provided by the PAB (Andalusian Bioinformatics Platform) center located at the University of Malaga (
dc.descriptionSupplemental Information can be found online at
dc.description.abstractCell reprogramming has revolutionized cell and regenerative biology field. However, human iPS derivation remains inefficient and variable. A better knowledge of molecular processes and the rationale underlying the importance of somatic cell origin is crucial to uncover reprogramming mechanisms. Here, we analyze the molecular profile of different human somatic cell types. We show menstrual blood-derived stromal cells (MnSCs) have a distinct, reprogramming prone, profile, and we identify SOX15 from their oocyte-related signature as a prominent responsible candidate. SOX15 orchestrates an efficient oocyte-based reprogramming combination when overexpressed with the also oocyte-enriched histone chaperone ASF1A and OCT4 and, through specific mechanism, generates iPSCs with distinguishable pluripotent state that further present higher differentiation capacity than canonical iPSCs. Our work supports the presence of different pluripotency states in reprogramming and the importance of using metaphase-II oocyte and MnSCs information to provide alternative reprogramming combinations and, importantly, to improve and understand pluripotency acquisition.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad Gobierno de España (MINECOSAF2015- 66105-R and RYC-2014-15410)es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipFundación Progreso y Saludes_ES
dc.publisherCell Press; Elsevieres_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 España*
dc.subjectMolecular biology es_ES
dc.subjectStem Cells Researches_ES
dc.titleAnalysis of Menstrual Blood Stromal Cells Reveals SOX15 Triggers Oocyte-Based Human Cell Reprogramminges_ES
dc.typejournal articlees_ES
dc.rights.accessRightsopen accesses_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 España
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