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dc.contributor.authorOliveira, João Nuno
dc.contributor.authorClavero Gilabert, María
dc.identifier.citationOliveira, João N.C.; Oliveira, Filipa S.B.F.; Neves, Maria G.; Clavero, María; Trigo-Teixeira, António A. 2020. "Modeling Wave Overtopping on a Seawall with XBeach, IH2VOF, and Mase Formulas." Water 12, no. 9: 2526. [doi: 10.3390/w12092526]es_ES
dc.description.abstractThe advances in computational fluid dynamics have made numerical modeling a reliable complementary tool to the traditional physical modeling in the study of the wave overtopping phenomenon. This paper addresses overtopping on a seawall by combining the numerical models XBeach (non-hydrostatic and Surfbeat modes) and IH2VOF, and the Mase formulas. This work is structured in two phases: (i) phase I assesses the performance of numerical models and formulas in modeling wave run-up and overtopping on a seawall for a solid profile bottom and representative hydro-morphologic conditions of a study site in the Portuguese west coast; (ii) phase II investigates the effect of the profile bottom variation in the overtopping phenomenon for extreme maritime storm field conditions of the study site, considering a solid bottom and a varying sandy bottom. The results indicate that XBeach underestimates the wave energy, and the frequency and intensity of the overtopping occurrences predicted by IH2VOF; the numerical models’ run-up and overtopping discharge predictions are overestimated by the Mase formulas, in simplified and in storm field conditions; and the variation of the bottom morphology throughout the storm event greatly influences the XBeach predictions, while the Mase results are mostly influenced by the bottom roughness.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipproject CYTED 2017-PROTOCOLes_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipPortuguese Foundation for Science and Technology PD/BD/128508/2017es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución 3.0 España*
dc.subjectWave overtoppinges_ES
dc.subjectWave run-upes_ES
dc.subjectNumerical modelinges_ES
dc.subjectModelo XBeaches_ES
dc.subjectMase formulases_ES
dc.subjectCoastal processeses_ES
dc.subjectBeach morphodynamicses_ES
dc.subjectHydrodynamic modelinges_ES
dc.titleModeling Wave Overtopping on a Seawall with XBeach, IH2VOF, and Mase Formulases_ES
dc.typejournal articlees_ES
dc.rights.accessRightsopen accesses_ES

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