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dc.contributor.authorFaris, Inas
dc.contributor.authorMelchor Rodríguez, Juan Manuel 
dc.contributor.authorCallejas Zafra, Antonio Manuel 
dc.contributor.authorTorres, Jorge
dc.contributor.authorRus Carlborg, Guillermo
dc.identifier.citationFaris, I.H.; Melchor, J.; Callejas, A.; Torres, J.; Rus, G. Viscoelastic Biomarkers of Ex Vivo Liver Samples via Torsional Wave Elastography. Diagnostics 2020, 10, 111.[doi:10.3390/diagnostics10020111]es_ES
dc.descriptionWe thank the Department of Electronics and Computer Technology of the University of Granada for assistance with the electronic system of the torsional wave sensor.es_ES
dc.description.abstractThe clinical ultrasound community demands mechanisms to obtain the viscoelastic biomarkers of soft tissue in order to quantify the tissue condition and to be able to track its consistency. Torsional Wave Elastography (TWE) is an emerging technique proposed for interrogating soft tissue mechanical viscoelastic constants. Torsional waves are a particular configuration of shear waves, which propagate asymmetrically in-depth and are radially transmitted by a disc and received by a ring. This configuration is shown to be particularly efficient in minimizing spurious p-waves components and is sensitive to mechanical constants, especially in cylinder-shaped organs. The objective of this work was to validate (TWE) technique against Shear Wave Elasticity Imaging (SWEI) technique through the determination of shear wave velocity, shear moduli, and viscosity of ex vivo chicken liver samples and tissue mimicking hydrogel phantoms. The results of shear moduli for ex vivo liver tissue vary 1.69–4.0kPa using TWE technique and 1.32–4.48kPa using SWEI technique for a range of frequencies from 200 to 800Hz. Kelvin–Voigt viscoelastic parameters reported values of μ = 1.51kPa and η = 0.54Pa·s using TWE and μ = 1.02kPa and η = 0.63Pa·s using SWEI. Preliminary results show that the proposed technique successfully allows reconstructing shear wave velocity, shear moduli, and viscosity mechanical biomarkers from the propagated torsional wave, establishing a proof of principle and warranting further studies.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipThis research was funded by the Ministry of Education grant numbers DPI2017-83859-R, DPI2014-51870-R, and UNGR15-CE-3664; Ministry of Health grant numbers DTS15/00093 and PI16/00339 Carlos III Instituto de Salud y Fondos Feder; and Junta de Andalucía grant numbers, PI-0107-2017 and PIN-0030-2017. Juan de la Cierva Incorporación IJC2018-037167-I.es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución 3.0 España*
dc.subjectShear Wave Elastography Imaginges_ES
dc.subjectTorsional Wave Elastographyes_ES
dc.subjectMechanical biomarkerses_ES
dc.subjectTissue biomarkerses_ES
dc.subjectKelvin–Voigt viscoelasticityes_ES
dc.titleViscoelastic Biomarkers of Ex Vivo Liver Samples via TorsionalWave Elastographyes_ES
dc.typejournal articlees_ES
dc.rights.accessRightsopen accesses_ES

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