Crisis y proyección de la narrativa hispanoamericana en la España actual Una lectura a distancia
Mostrar el registro completo del ítemAutor
Mesa Gancedo, DanielEditorial
Universidad de Granada
Narrativa hispanoamericana España Siglo XXI Mercado Crisis Campo literario Lectura distante Spanish-American narrative Spain 21st century Market Crisis Literary field Distant reading
2020Referencia bibliográfica
Mesa Gancedo, Daniel. Crisis y proyección de la narrativa hispanoamericana en la España actual Una lectura a distancia. LETRAL, número 23, 2020, pp. 192-232. []
This paper presents and interprets a collection of data related to the
publication and dissemination of the current Spanish-American narrative in Spain between 2009 and 2018. With support in the methodology of distant reading proposed by Franco Moretti and in theoretical reflections on the relationship between crisis and literature, the essay investigates the eventual consequence of the last global economic crisis in
the reconfiguration of the literary field, in contrast to the situation during the first decade of the 21st century. For this, it has been useful the
lists of some of the most conspicuous literary awards; dossiers and
monographs published in three specialized Spanish magazines (Ínsula,
Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos and Quimera) and in cultural supplements of three Spanish newspapers (El Cultural, de El Mundo; Babelia, de El País, and ABC Cultural); numerous declarations of agents
involved in the Spanish-American peninsular field, as well as and the
content of ten anthologies published in the period and catalogues of
publishing house Literatura Random House in order to perceive the
transatlantic implication of the phenomenon.