Efficient Implementation on Low-Cost SoC-FPGAs of TLSv1.2 Protocol with ECC_AES Support for Secure IoT Coordinators
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Bellemou, Ahmed Mohamed; García Ríos, Antonio; Castillo Morales, María Encarnación; Parrilla Roure, LuisEditorial
TLS ECC AES FPGA Embedded Linux
2019-10-30Referencia bibliográfica
Bellemou, A. M., García, A., Castillo, E., Benblidia, N., Anane, M., Álvarez-Bermejo, J. A., & Parrilla, L. (2019). Efficient Implementation on Low-Cost SoC-FPGAs of TLSv1. 2 Protocol with ECC_AES Support for Secure IoT Coordinators. Electronics, 8(11), 1238.
This work was partially supported by Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Algeria under scholarship program “Exceptional National Program (PNE) 2018-2019”.Abstract
Security management for IoT applications is a critical research field, especially when
taking into account the performance variation over the very different IoT devices. In this paper,
we present high-performance client/server coordinators on low-cost SoC-FPGA devices for secure IoT
data collection. Security is ensured by using the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol based on
the TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 cipher suite. The hardware architecture
of the proposed coordinators is based on SW/HW co-design, implementing within the hardware
accelerator core Elliptic Curve Scalar Multiplication (ECSM), which is the core operation of Elliptic
Curve Cryptosystems (ECC). Meanwhile, the control of the overall TLS scheme is performed in
software by an ARM Cortex-A9 microprocessor. In fact, the implementation of the ECC accelerator
core around an ARM microprocessor allows not only the improvement of ECSM execution but also
the performance enhancement of the overall cryptosystem. The integration of the ARM processor
enables to exploit the possibility of embedded Linux features for high system flexibility. As a result,
the proposed ECC accelerator requires limited area, with only 3395 LUTs on the Zynq device used to
perform high-speed, 233-bit ECSMs in 413 ms, with a 50 MHz clock. Moreover, the generation of a
384-bit TLS handshake secret key between client and server coordinators requires 67.5 ms on a low
cost Zynq 7Z007S device.