Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 22

      Secretariado de Innovación Docente. Vicerrectorado de Ordenación Académica y Profesorado. [3]
      Secretariado de Innovación Docente. Vicerrectorado de Ordenación Académica y Profesorado. Universidad de Granada [30]
      Spanish Government FIS2017-89258-P RTI2018094738-B-I00 [1]
      Spanish Government FIS2017-89258-P [2]
      Spanish Government PGC2018-101904-A-100 [2]
      Spanish Government PGC2018101,904-A-I00 [1]
      Spanish Government PGC2018-101904-A-100 [1]
      Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the research project DPI2011-23202 [1]
      Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness DEP2013-48211-R [1]
      Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, DPI2015-64571-R, ECQM2018-004952-P [1]
      Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, under research Grant DPI2015-64571-R. Spanish State Agency of Research (AEI) and the Ministry for Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (MIMECO) by means of the Grant Number FIS2017-89258-P with European Union FEDER (European Regional Development Funds) support. [1]
      Spanish Ministry of Science Innovation and Universities (MICINN) RTI2018-094738-B-100 [1]
      Spanish Ministry of Science Innovation and Universities (MICINN) RTI2018-094738-B-I00 [1]
      Spanish Ministry of Science Innovation and Universities MICINN, grant number RTI2018-094738-B-100 [1]
      Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities PGC2018-101904-A-I00 [1]
      Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities (MICINN) RTI2018-094738-B-I00 [1]
      Spanish Secretary of State of Research, Development and Innovation (SEIDI), within the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (DPI2015-64571-R). [1]
      Spanish State Agency of Research (AEI) and the Ministry for Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (MIMECO) by means of the grant number FIS2017- 89258-P with European Union FEDER (European Regional Development Funds) support [1]
      Spanish State Agency of Research (AEI); Ministry for Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (MIMECO) (Grant numbers FIS2017-89258-P and DPI 2015-64571-R); European Union FEDER (European Regional Development Funds). [1]
      Springer Nature [1]