Diagramas en Juegos Motores para indicar su estructura y clasificación
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10481/51087Metadata
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Universidad de Granada
Juegos motores Simbología Terminología Diagramas Gráficos Motor games Symbology Terminology Diagrams Graphics simbologia terminologia diagramas gráficos
2017-12Referencia bibliográfica
Fernández-Revelles, A. B. Diagrams in Motor Games to indicate their structure and classification. Sports Science 3.0, 1(1): 71-110 (2017). [http://hdl.handle.net/10481/51087]
Introducción: Con este trabajo queremos continuar el trabajo ya iniciado en el que con diagramas y esquemas se quieren representar acciones motrices, tanto para planificarlas como para realizarlas. Hay que valorar la importancia de la comunicación oral que en muchos casos es muy sencilla y la más rápida de utilizar. Pero en muchos casos las acciones motrices requieren muchas palabras para su explicación por lo cual resulta más fácil la expresión a través de gráficos. Así la idea es unificar la simbología haciendo una propuesta como ya ha habido algunos intentos que cumpla varias características: Basarse en símbolos similares utilizados tradicionalmente, fácil escritura a mano, fácil escritura en formato digital. Objetivos: Proponer unos símbolos o diagramas explicativos que indiquen las estructuras empleadas en los juegos motores, y símbolos para la clasificación de los Juegos Motores en diferentes categorías. Conclusiones: Hemos propuesto unos símbolos básicos para indicar la estructura, y diferentes categorías que pueden entrar tanto en la estructura del juego motor como en su clasificación como: objetivos, material, instalaciones, organización, situaciones reducidas de juego, descripción, clasificación, edad, gasto energético, intensidad, grado lúdico, miedo, adicciones, violencia, sexo, atención, variantes, etc…. Introduction: With this work we want to continue the work already started in which with diagrams and diagrams we want to represent motor actions, both to plan them and to carry them out. We must value the importance of oral communication, which in many cases is very simple and the fastest to use. But in many cases motor actions require many words for explanation, which makes it easier to express them through graphics. So, the idea is to unify the symbology by making a proposal as there have already been some attempts that have several characteristics: Based on similar symbols traditionally used, easy handwriting, easy writing in digital format. Aims: Propose symbols or explanatory diagrams that indicate the structures used in motor games, and symbols for the classification of Motor Games in different categories. Conclusions: We have proposed some basic symbols to indicate the structure, and different categories that can enter both the structure of the motor game and its classification as: objectives, material, facilities, organization, reduced situations of play, description, classification, age, energy expenditure, intensity, playfulness, fear, addictions, violence, sex, attention, variants, etc.... Introduction: With this work we want to continue the work already started in which with diagrams and diagrams we want to represent motor actions, both to plan them and to carry them out. We must value the importance of oral communication, which in many cases is very simple and the fastest to use. But in many cases motor actions require many words for explanation, which makes it easier to express them through graphics. So, the idea is to unify the symbology by making a proposal as there have already been some attempts that have several characteristics: Based on similar symbols traditionally used, easy handwriting, easy writing in digital format. Aims: Propose symbols or explanatory diagrams that indicate the structures used in motor games, and symbols for the classification of Motor Games in different categories. Conclusions: We have proposed some basic symbols to indicate the structure, and different categories that can enter both the structure of the motor game and its classification as: objectives, material, facilities, organization, reduced situations of play, description, classification, age, energy expenditure, intensity, playfulness, fear, addictions, violence, sex, attention, variants, etc....