Morphological Investigations and Virtual Reconstructions of the Domus of the Northeast Quarter of Volubilis (Morocco)
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La Scuola di Pitagora
Volubilis Romano-African Domus Virtual Reconstruction H-BIM categories
2015Referencia bibliográfica
Rodríguez-Moreno, C.; Fernández Ruiz, J.A. Morphological Investigations and Virtual Reconstructions of the Domus of the Northeast Quarter of Volubilis (Morocco). In: Gambarcella, C. (ed.). XIII Forum Internazionale di Studi: Heritage and Tecnology, mind, knowledge, experience. Aversa (Capri), 11-13 June, 2015. Napoli: La Scuola di Pitagora, 2015. pp. 521-530. []
Progetto Campus Pompei. II Progetto 'Ecoturismo urbano per la fruizione sistenible dei Beni Culturali in Campania", in attuazione degli Obiettivi Operativi 2.1 e 2.2 del Programma Operativo FESR Campania 2007/2013.; The authors would like to thank the ERDF of European Union for financial support via project “Calidad en modelos BIM (Building Information Models) aplicados al Patrimonio” of the “Programa Operativo FEDER de Andalucía 2007-2013”. We also thank to Public Works Agency and Regional Ministry of Public Works and Housing of the Regional Government of Andalusia.Résumé
Along the 1st and the 3rd centuries A. D. the city of Volubilis was developed as an important administrative
and economic center. Proofs of its prosperity are the ruins of several splendid Domus that were built in the
Northeast Quarter, on both sides of the Decumanus Maximus. These Domus were excavated and
investigated in the sixties by the archaeologist Robert Étienne.
Fortunately, through the declaration of Volubilis as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1997, its
progressive spoliation has been paralyzed. Nevertheless, after Robert Étienne, no significant researches
have taken place on these great residential architectures.
In recent years we worked on some of the best preserved Domus: House of Venus, House of the Labours of
Hercules, House of Dionysus and The Four Seasons, House of Flavius Germanus, House of the Sundial,
etc. We used them as sources for teaching about investigation and virtual reconstruction of the Architectural
Heritage in our School of Architecture.
Several reconstructive hypotheses of these houses have been carried on the basis of texts of Vitruvio and
Pliny, Ancient Roman architectural examples, planimetric surveys made by Robert Étienne and some own
graphic material gathered in situ. We built virtual models with unwrapping textures and we achieved to
merge them in its real environment by using Camera Match techniques. Our final goal was to recover some
sort of the perception and the emotional reaction that those disappeared architectonic spaces could arouse
in their former inhabitants.