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dc.contributor.authorRivas-Navarro, Juan L.es_ES
dc.contributor.authorBravo Rodríguez, Belén es_ES
dc.contributor.authorJiménez-Quesada, Antonioes_ES
dc.identifier.citationRivas-Navarro, J.L.; Bravo-Rodríguez, B.; Jiménez-Quesada, A. Amnesty city-countryside through the “riverscape”: Towards a more sustainable relationship between the urban Granada and its own landscape. In: 6th Annual European Postgraduate Symposium: Sustainable Development Symposium (SDS). Granada, 1st-3rd June, 2016. []es_ES
dc.identifier.otherD.L.: GR 709-2016
dc.description.abstractThe new urban configurations contain an interesting mixture of land uses more or less active. They draw open pieces on a map where the natural geography and agricultural spaces are trapped. They are forms belonging to a time when the relationship city-countryside was clearer, and the coexistence between urban and agricultural functions easier. Nowadays, the agricultural tissue in the urban periphery is a common feature of the European cities (mainly in Mediterranean cities) and, in the case of Granada, the way as the city has been growing may be considered against the geographic and agricultural view of the territory. In this context, rivers are the natural link between urban and rural areas and their 'riverscape' become a field of possibilities for the implementation of new territorial functions. The revitalization of the Genil River along its more urban length must be based on the new territorial dynamics in response to the current social, cultural and economic demands. The research studies the urban possibilities of this "natural corridor" and tries to demonstrate that in functional, spatial, and social terms, it has many more possibilities of intervention than the fact of being considered as a resulting product of non-rational processes of accumulation of borders, protections, etc. These new 'riverscapes' would lead to a programmatic and typological search in order to incorporate innovative facilities and new collective architectures. As a result, it is possible to balance two fundamental tensions of the future project: responsibility for the history and inherited geography, and the sense for the occasion and the invention of a landscape deeply related, a way to create an interesting place to allow the temporary coexistence and the development of a more integrated territory.en_EN
dc.description.sponsorshipFundación General Universidad de Granada-Empresaes_ES
dc.publisherUniversidad de Granadaes_ES
dc.subjectPlanificación urbanaes_ES
dc.subjectPaisaje es_ES
dc.subjectÁreas ruraleses_ES
dc.subjectGranada es_ES
dc.subjectUrban planningen_EN
dc.subjectRural areasen_EN
dc.titleAmnesty city-countryside through the “riverscape”: Towards a more sustainable relationship between the urban Granada and its own landscapeen_EN
dc.typeconference outputen_EN
dc.rights.accessRightsopen accessen_EN

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