Physical fitness assessment and its association with quality of life in people with firbromialgia
Afficher la notice complèteEditorial
Universidad de Granada
Universidad de Granada. Departamento de Educación Física y DeportivaMateria
Fibromialgía Terapéutica Ejercicio físico Mujeres Calidad de vida Indicadores de salud
Materia UDC
615.8 613.72 796.03 2411
2016Fecha lectura
2015-12-11Referencia bibliográfica
Álvarez Gallardo, I.C. Physical fitness assessment and its association with quality of life in people with firbromialgia. Granada: Universidad de Granada, 2016. []
Tesis Univ. Granada. Departamento de Educación Física y DeportivaRésumé
Fibromyalgia is a disorder of unknown etiology, characterized by widespread chronic
pain and multiple comorbidities. Fibromyalgia has a larger impact on the physical
function and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of those with the condition. Physical
fitness seems to be closely related to symptomatology and fibromyalgia severity. Indeed
some physical fitness tests have been demonstrated to discriminate between the presence
or absence of fibromyalgia.
The overall objective of the present Doctoral Thesis has been to analyse the validity,
reliability and feasibility of instruments to assess physical fitness in women with
fibromyalgia, as well as to provide age-specific reference values of physical fitness and to
compare them with age-matched controls. Additionally, the association of physical
fitness with HRQoL was assessed in this population. To address these aims, four studies
were conducted in the context of a Pilot project and the main research project (the alÁndalus
Study I was carried out with 100 women with fibromyalgia that participated in the Pilot
project. Study II was performed with 101 women with fibromyalgia of the Pilot project
(reliability sub-study), plus 415 women with fibromyalgia and 195 control participants of
the al-Ándalus project (validity sub-study). Study III involved 489 people with
fibromyalgia (including 21 men) and 415 controls (including 55 men), and Study IV
included 466 women with fibromyalgia, all belonging to the al-Ándalus project (main
project). Physical fitness was assessed with the Senior Fitness Test battery and handgrip
test. Self-reported physical fitness was measured with the International FItness Scale
(IFIS) and HRQoL was measured with the 36-item Short-Form Health Survey.
The main findings and conclusions of this Doctoral Thesis were: i) The Senior Fitness
Test battery, and the handgrip test demonstrated good reliability in the measurement of
physical fitness in women with fibromyalgia. These tests were quick and easy to
administer, and as such feasible to use with this population; ii) The IFIS was
demonstrated to be a useful tool to identify women with fibromyalgia who had very low
physical fitness and distinguish them from those with higher physical fitness levels. Furthermore, the IFIS has demonstrated moderate test-retest reliability in women with
fibromyalgia; iii) Physical fitness levels of people with fibromyalgia from Andalusia are
very low in comparison with age-matched healthy controls; iv) High physical fitness was
consistently associated with better HRQoL in women with fibromyalgia. Muscle
strength was independently associated with the physical component of HRQoL, whereas
flexibility and cardiorespiratory fitness were independently associated with the mental
The results of this Doctoral Thesis have provided valid, reliable and feasible tools to
measure physical fitness in people with fibromyalgia, as well as, age-specific reference
values of physical fitness of a geographically representative sample of the south of Spain.
Results also suggest that a better physical fitness could contribute to a better HRQoL in
women with fibromyalgia. Future intervention studies, based on the results of this
Doctoral Thesis, will increase the knowledge about the preventive and therapeutic value
of exercise and physical fitness in this population.