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      The history of Spanish cinema includes many films about the Civil War. This article aims to take a tour of the films to finally discuss the latest film on this subject, released in 2011: There Be Dragons, Roland Joffé. Identified a number of characteristics of this film: the fusion of genres and ideological opposition as the core and, finally, will detail the marketing carried out on the web and social networking presence, on the rise as an advertising medium [1]
      The netizen, immersed in a constant technological change, acquires a social empowerment as prosumer, because not only consume, but also produces content on the network. In the field of advertising, this reality poses to companies with the best thermometer to know consumer preferences and, on that basis, plan their courses of action. In this paper we show how the company Campofrío interacts with his followers in the social network Twitter, what role the publications produced by them and, especially, how these to affect brand image. [1]
      Today’s society, especially the younger generation, is dominated by technology and its endless progress. The digital social networks have changed the behavior and habits of human beings. It is shown that its benefits are also multiple teaching application, but still there are few experiences in the classroom. We present a practice developed with Twitter class at the university level that corroborates the potential of microblogging in the teaching-learning process advocated by the European Space for Higher Education (EEES). [1]