Unitary neutron matter in the on-shell limit
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IOP Publishing
Neutron matter Nucleon-nucleon interactions
2015Referencia bibliográfica
Ruiz Arriola, E.; Szpigel, S.; Timóteo, V.S. Unitary neutron matter in the on-shell limit. Journal of Physics: conference series, 630: 012036 (2015). []
E.R.A. would like to thank the Spanish DGI (Grant FIS2011-24149) and Junta de Andalucia (Grant FQM225) for support. S.S. is partially supported by FAPESP and V.S.T. thanks FAEPEX, FAPESP and CNPq for financial support.Résumé
We compute the Bertsch parameter for neutron matter by using nucleon-nucleon interactions that are fully diagonal in momentum space. We analyze the on-shell limit with the similarity renormalization group and compare the results for a simple separable toy model to realistic calculations with high precision NN potentials.