Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 2345

      F-META project, MEC-FEDER, Spain TIN2007-67494 [1]
      F. Guerrero and his supervisors are grateful to the Biocolloid and Fluid Physics Group (ref. PAI-FQM115) of the University of Granada (Spain). [1]
      F. Hoffman-La Roche [1]
      F. Hoffman-La Roche Ltd. [1]
      F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd and its affiliated company Genentech, Inc. [2]
      F.A.G.D. was funded by the NextGenerationEU program of the European Union, the Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia, and the Ministerio de Universidades, as part of the “Maria Zambrano” grants for the requalification of the Spanish university system 2021-2023 called by the Pablo de Olavide University. [1]
      F.A.G.D., A.M.P and A.P. acknowledge the International Exchanges Grant IES\R1\191066, awarded by The Royal Society [1]
      F.G. was supported by a Fondazione Umberto Veronesi Fellowship. A.V.-L. is recipient of a predoctoral FPU contract from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport and member of the research group CTS-627 supported by Junta de Andalucia and University of Granada. [1]
      F18/00228 grant from ISCIII by FEDER Funds from the EU [1]
      F7 (Ideas) European Research Council grant “PROMETHEUS” under REA grant agreement nº 340863 [1]
      Facoltà di Architettura della Univ. di Roma Tre [1]
      Facoltà di Architettura della Università degli studi Roma Tre [1]
      Facoltà di Architettura di Pescara dell'Università degli Studi "G. D'Annunzio" di Chieti [1]
      Facoltà di Architettura Università degli Studi Roma Tre y Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de la Universidad de Granada. Departamento de Urbanística y Ordenación del Territorio. [1]
      Facultad de Arquitectura y Diseño, Universidad de los Andes [1]
      Facultad de Bellas Artes de Granada [1]
      Facultad de Bellas Artes de Granada, Vicerrectorado de Internacionalización y Vicerrectorado de Estudiantes y Empleabilidad de la Universidad de Granada [1]
      Facultad de Bellas Artes de la Universidad de Granada [1]
      Facultad de Bellas Artes de Málaga [1]
      Facultad de Bellas Artes. Departamento de Escultura de la Universidad de Granada. [2]