The Diversity of Crystals, Microstructures and Texture That Form Ostreoidea Shells
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Sancho Vaquer, Anna; Griesshaber, Erika; Salas, Carmen; Harper, Elizabeth M.; Checa González, Antonio G.; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.Editorial
Microstructure and texture of oyster shells High-resolution EBSD Misorientation between crystals Crystal twin formation Gradedness in crystallographic axes orientation
2025-03-20Referencia bibliográfica
Sancho Vaquer, A.; Griesshaber, E.; Salas, C.; Harper, E.M.; Checa, A.G.; Schmahl, W.W. The Diversity of Crystals, Microstructures and Texture That Form Ostreoidea Shells. Crystals 2025, 15, 286.
German Research Council Programs GR 9/1234, SCHM 930/11-2; MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/PID2020-116660GB-I00, PID2023-146394NB-I00; University of Granada UCE-PP2016-05; Junta de Andalucía RNM363Resumen
The shells of bivalved molluscs comprise, in general, few microstructures and very few textures. In the case of ostreoid oysters, a high diversity has been observed. The shells consist of columnar-prismatic, foliated, granular calcite and myostracal-prismatic aragonite. Furthermore, voids are incorporated into the ostreoid shell: the pores of the vesicular shell segments and the blades/laths of the chalk lenses. These initiate formation of additional microstructures and textures. We investigated the shells of Magallana gigas, Ostrea stentina, Ostrea edulis (Ostreidae), Hyotissa hyotis, Hyotissa mcgintyi and Neopycnodonte cochlear (Gryphaeidae) with high-resolution, low-kV, electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) measurements and scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) imaging and review the diversity of ostreoid Ca-carbonate microstructures and textures. From a crystallographic perspective, we (i) characterized the sub-micrometer crystal assembly pattern of ostreoid microstructures and textures, (ii) investigated crystal organization at the changeover from one microstructure into the other and (iii) examined how curved crystal surfaces are generated at inner shell surface as well as within the shell, in and at aggregations of folia and foliated units. We show that Ostreoidea are capable of secreting single crystalline, graded and dendritic calcite within the same shell and, hence, are able to vary strongly the degree of crystal co-alignment. We demonstrate that Ostreoidea myostracal aragonite is twinned, while shell calcite is not twinned, neither within different microstructures nor at the changeover between adjacent microstructures. We highlight the very specific microstructure of the foliated shell and demonstrate the strongly regulated gradedness of both the c- and a*-axes orientation of the foliated calcite crystallites.