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dc.contributor.authorBaena Molina, Marcos
dc.contributor.authorPalomares Caballero, Ángel 
dc.contributor.authorMartínez García, Ginés
dc.contributor.authorGaleote Cazorla, Juan Elías
dc.contributor.authorRamírez Arroyo, Alejandro 
dc.contributor.authorValenzuela Valdes, Juan Francisco
dc.identifier.citationBaena Molina, Marcos et al. 1-bit Mechanically Reconfigurable Metasurface as a Beam Splitter for Indoor Environments at 28 GHz. 2025. doi:10.1109/LAWP.2025.3554271es_ES
dc.description.abstractThis letter presents a mechanically reconfigurable metasurface (MRM) designed to operate in the n257 FR2 5G band with the ability to provide a reconfigurable beam splitting. The MRM unit cell consists of a metallic rod with a metallic cone-shaped element at its end. The actuator is an electromagnet that provides 1-bit reconfiguration by modifying the position of the cone-shaped element. A prototype is experimentally assessed. The measurements reveal a phase shift of 180o ± 30o from 26.5 GHz to 29.5 GHz. Several beam configurations for the MRM have been measured where the scattering patterns show good agreement with the simulations. To demonstrate the potential of the proposed MRM, an indoor field trial has been performed. In a novel way, a simultaneously coverage of two different indoor zones has been achieved with an improvement of more than 10.9 dB of received average power.es_ES
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional*
dc.subjectReconfigurable metasurfacees_ES
dc.subjectmillimeter waveses_ES
dc.subjectbeam splittinges_ES
dc.subjectmechanical reconfigurationes_ES
dc.title1-bit Mechanically Reconfigurable Metasurface as a Beam Splitter for Indoor Environments at 28 GHzes_ES
dc.typejournal articlees_ES
dc.rights.accessRightsopen accesses_ES

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