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dc.contributor.authorWoods, CR
dc.contributor.authorAres, Pablo
dc.contributor.authorNevison-Andrews, Harriet
dc.contributor.authorHolwill, MJ
dc.contributor.authorFabregas, Rene
dc.contributor.authorGuinea, Francisco
dc.contributor.authorGeim, AK
dc.contributor.authorNovoselov, KS
dc.contributor.authorWalet, NR
dc.contributor.authorFumagalli, Laura
dc.description.abstractWhen two-dimensional crystals are brought into close proximity, their interaction results in reconstruction of electronic spectrum and crystal structure. Such reconstruction strongly depends on the twist angle between the crystals, which has received growing attention due to interesting electronic and optical properties that arise in graphene and transitional metal dichalcogenides. Here we study two insulating crystals of hexagonal boron nitride stacked at small twist angle. Using electrostatic force microscopy, we observe ferroelectric-like domains arranged in triangular superlattices with a large surface potential. The observation is attributed to interfacial elastic deformations that result in out-of-plane dipoles formed by pairs of boron and nitrogen atoms belonging to opposite interfacial surfaces. This creates a bilayer-thick ferroelectric with oppositely polarized (BN and NB) dipoles in neighbouring domains, in agreement with our modeling. These findings open up possibilities for designing van der Waals heterostructures and offer an alternative probe to study moiré-superlattice electrostatic potentials.es_ES
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional*
dc.subject2D Materialses_ES
dc.subjectHexagonal Boron Nitride (hBN)es_ES
dc.subjectElectrostatic Force Microscopyes_ES
dc.subjectKelvin Probe Force Microscopyes_ES
dc.titleCharge-polarized interfacial superlattices in marginally twisted hexagonal boron nitridees_ES
dc.typejournal articlees_ES
dc.relation.projectIDEU Flagship Programs (Graphene CNECTICT-604391 and 2D-SIPC Quantum Technology)es_ES
dc.relation.projectIDEuropean Research Council Synergy Grant Hetero2D/EP/N010345/1es_ES
dc.relation.projectIDEuropean Research Council (ERC)/19417es_ES
dc.relation.projectIDMarie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MC-IF)/842402es_ES
dc.relation.projectIDMarie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MC-IF)/793394es_ES
dc.rights.accessRightsopen accesses_ES

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