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dc.contributor.authorFresneda López, María Dolores 
dc.contributor.authorMuñoz López, Juana 
dc.contributor.authorCarballo García, María Gloria 
dc.contributor.authorMendoza Lara, Elvira
dc.identifier.citationFresneda, M.D., Muñoz, J., Carballo, G., Mendoza, E. (2020). CEG-Infantil. Test de Comprensión de Estructuras Gramaticales. Versión Infantil. TEA Edicioneses_ES
dc.description.abstractEl CEG-Infantil ha sido diseñado para evaluar la comprensión de construcciones gramaticales de diferente complejidad en niños y niñas de 2 años y 5 meses a 4 años y 11 meses de edad. Por tanto, su principal finalidad es evaluar la comprensión gramatical y su desarrollo. Los ítems de la prueba se centran en el proceso de la comprensión auditiva (gramatical) y permiten a los profesionales identificar a niños que presenten patrones inusuales en el desarrollo de la comprensión gramatical y cuyas habilidades receptivas difieran de las de sus iguales en edad cronológica. La comprensión de estructuras gramaticales es un aspecto que puede aparecer afectado en multitud de trastornos (Trastorno Específico del Lenguaje – TEL, Trastorno del Espectro del Autismo – TEA, discapacidad intelectual, afasia, deficiencia auditiva, traumatismos craneoencefálicos, trastornos en el neurodesarrollo, etc.). La prueba viene a cubrir un área no cubierta hasta el momento, tanto por la evaluación de la comprensión gramatical como por la edad a la que va dirigida, ya que no se dispone de pruebas estandarizadas en español que evalúen este aspecto en edades tan tempranas. Precisamente la necesidad de diseñar el CEG-Infantil surgió como consecuencia del uso de la prueba CEG, Comprensión de Estructuras Gramaticales (Mendoza et al., 2005a) y las demandas de muchos clínicos e investigadores de disponer de una prueba similar para niños y niñas de menor edad, ya que el CEG se puede aplicar a partir de los 4 años. El CEG-Infantil consta de 60 ítems distribuidos en 15 bloques de estructuras gramaticales (4 ítems por bloque). Los 3 primeros bloques son de entrenamiento y no puntuables. Los 12 bloques restantes evalúan estructuras comunes en español: oraciones predicativas sujeto-verbo (SV), atributivas, predicativas SV negativas, predicativas sujeto-verbo-objeto (SVO) no reversibles, predicativas SVO reversibles, predicativas SV con sujeto plural, predicativas SVO reversibles con sujeto escindido, pronominalizadas reflexivas (se), atributivas con complemento circunstancial (Cc) de lugar, pronominalizadas (le), comparativas absolutas y predicativas objeto verbo sujeto (OVS) reversibles focalizadas en el objeto. Abstrac: The CEG-Infantil has been designed to assess the understanding of grammatical constructions of different complexity in children aged 2 years and 5 months to 4 years and 11 months. Therefore, its main purpose is to assess grammatical understanding and its development. The test items focus on the process of auditory (grammatical) comprehension and allow professionals to identify children who present unusual patterns in the development of grammatical understanding and whose receptive skills differ from those of their peers in chronological age. The understanding of grammatical structures is an aspect that may appear affected in a multitude of disorders (Specific Language Disorder – SLI, Autism Spectrum Disorder – ASD, intellectual disability, aphasia, hearing impairment, head trauma, neurodevelopmental disorders, etc.). The test covers an area not covered until now, both in terms of the assessment of grammatical comprehension and the age at which it is aimed, since there are no standardized tests in Spanish that assess this aspect at such an early age. Precisely the need to design the CEG-Infantil arose as a consequence of the use of the CEG test, Comprehension of Grammatical Structures (Mendoza et al., 2005a) and the demands of many clinicians and researchers to have a similar test for younger children, since the CEG can be applied from 4 years of age. The CEG-Infantil consists of 60 items distributed in 15 blocks of grammatical structures (4 items per block). The first 3 blocks are for training and not scored. The remaining 12 blocks evaluate common structures in Spanish: subject-verb (SV) predicative sentences, attributive, negative SV predicative, non-reversible subject-verb-object (SVO) predicative, reversible SVO predicative, SV predicative with plural subject, reversible SVO predicative with split subject, reflexive pronominalized (se), attributive with circumstantial complement (Cc) of place, pronominalized (le), absolute comparative and reversible subject-verb-object (OVS) predicative focused on the object.es_ES
dc.description.abstractThe CEG-Infantil has been designed to assess the understanding of grammatical constructions of different complexity in children aged 2 years and 5 months to 4 years and 11 months. Therefore, its main purpose is to assess grammatical understanding and its development. The test items focus on the process of auditory (grammatical) comprehension and allow professionals to identify children who present unusual patterns in the development of grammatical understanding and whose receptive skills differ from those of their peers in chronological age. The understanding of grammatical structures is an aspect that may appear affected in a multitude of disorders (Specific Language Disorder – SLI, Autism Spectrum Disorder – ASD, intellectual disability, aphasia, hearing impairment, head trauma, neurodevelopmental disorders, etc.). The test covers an area not covered until now, both in terms of the assessment of grammatical comprehension and the age at which it is aimed, since there are no standardized tests in Spanish that assess this aspect at such an early age. Precisely the need to design the CEG-Infantil arose as a consequence of the use of the CEG test, Comprehension of Grammatical Structures (Mendoza et al., 2005a) and the demands of many clinicians and researchers to have a similar test for younger children, since the CEG can be applied from 4 years of age. The CEG-Infantil consists of 60 items distributed in 15 blocks of grammatical structures (4 items per block). The first 3 blocks are for training and not scored. The remaining 12 blocks evaluate common structures in Spanish: subject-verb (SV) predicative sentences, attributive, negative SV predicative, non-reversible subject-verb-object (SVO) predicative, reversible SVO predicative, SV predicative with plural subject, reversible SVO predicative with split subject, reflexive pronominalized (se), attributive with circumstantial complement (Cc) of place, pronominalized (le), absolute comparative and reversible subject-verb-object (OVS) predicative focused on the object.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipGrupo de investigación Logopedia Experimental y Aplicada (HUM-605)es_ES
dc.publisherTEA Ediciones (grupo editorial Hogrefe)es_ES
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional*
dc.titleCEG-Infantil. Test de Comprensión de Estructuras Gramaticales de 2 a 4 añoses_ES
dc.title.alternativeCEG- infantiles_ES
dc.relation.projectIDEste trabajo ha sido apoyado parcialmente por el proyecto SEJ-2007-64054/PSIC del Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia.es_ES
dc.rights.accessRightsembargoed accesses_ES

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