@misc{10481/97977, year = {2010}, month = {7}, url = {https://hdl.handle.net/10481/97977}, abstract = {The potential toxicity in riverbed sediments was assessed with a bioassay using the bioluminescent bacteria Vibrio fischeri. The selected area was characterized by the presence of ultramafic rocks (peridotites), and the sediments had high values in Ni, Cr, and Co. For the toxicity bioassay with Vibrio fischeri, water-soluble forms were used. The results indicated that most of the samples had a very low degree of toxicity, with 10% of reduction in luminescence in relation to the control; meanwhile 25% of the samples had a moderate degree of toxicity with a reduction in luminescence between 13 and 21% in relation to the control. The toxicity index correlated significantly with the concentrations of Ni and Cr in the water extracts. This toxicity bioassay was proved to be a sensitive and useful tool to detect potential toxicity in solutions, even with anomalous concentrations in heavy metals of natural origin.}, organization = {Regional Government of Andalusia (Spain), (Project RNM-03315)}, publisher = {Wiley}, title = {Toxicity Assessment of Sediments with Natural Anomalous Concentrations in HeavyMetals by the Use of Bioassay}, doi = {10.1155/2010/101390}, author = {Martín Peinado, Francisco and Escoto, Marlon and Fernández, Juan and Fernández Ondoño, Emilia and Arco, Elena and Sierra Aragón, Manuel and Dorronsoro, Carlos}, }