@misc{10481/96282, year = {2024}, month = {10}, url = {https://hdl.handle.net/10481/96282}, abstract = {The dynamics of a dissipative and area contracting planar homeomorphism were described in terms of the attractor. This was a subset of the plane defined as the maximal compact invariant set. We proved that the coexistence of two fixed points and an N-cycle produced some topological complexity: the attractor cannot be arcwise connected. The proofs were based on the theory of prime ends.}, organization = {Spanish MICINN project PID2021-128418NA-I00}, publisher = {American Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS)}, title = {Topology of attractors and periodic points}, doi = {10.3934/cpaa.2024083}, author = {Ortega RĂ­os, Rafael and Ruiz Herrera, Alfonso}, }