@misc{10481/95364, year = {2013}, url = {https://hdl.handle.net/10481/95364}, abstract = {The repopulating process that took place in the Kingdom of Granada after the Castilian conquest, at the end of the 15th century, saw the arrival of new settlers from abroad, including the Crown of Aragon, the Catalan nation in our documents. Although their presence was not signi" cant in the overall process, it is however interesting to examine with care their settlement pattern, which is di# erent from other foreign nations’ patterns, mainly the members of the Italian merchant republics. ! us, we analyse the origin of these Catalan settlers and their distribution throughout the Kingdom of Granada, looking for the ultimate reasons. We also have the opportunity to examine the percentage of permanence, as well as the socioeconomic background, when the sources allow it.}, publisher = {Universidad de Barcelona}, title = {La naçión catalana en la repoblación del Reino de Granada a finales del siglo XV}, author = {González Arévalo, Raúl}, }