@misc{10481/95247, year = {2024}, month = {8}, url = {https://hdl.handle.net/10481/95247}, publisher = {Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso}, keywords = {analysis framework}, keywords = {marco de análisis}, keywords = {corporate websites}, keywords = {sitios web corporativos}, keywords = {gender-inclusive language}, keywords = {lenguaje inclusivo}, keywords = {lenguaje inclusivo de género}, keywords = {inclusive language}, keywords = {SMEs}, keywords = {pymes}, title = {Gender-inclusive language analysis framework (GILAF): an analysis from the perspective of Spanish small and medium-sized enterprises}, doi = {10.4151/S0718-0934202401150945}, author = {Díaz Millón, Mar and Rivera Trigueros, Irene and Olvera Lobo, María Dolores}, }