@misc{10481/95110, year = {2024}, month = {7}, url = {https://hdl.handle.net/10481/95110}, abstract = {This letter presents a measurement campaign carried out in an FR2 urban outdoor environment in a live experimental network deployment. The radio propagation analysis from a physical perspective at 26 GHz is essential for the correct deployment and dimensioning of future communication networks. This study performs a walk test emulating realistic conditions under which a pedestrian may be affected, summarizing and evaluating some of the typical effects encountered in a communications scenario such as penetration losses in a building, losses due to vegetation or the human body, or diffraction/scattering propagation around corners in street canyon-like environments. The operational conditions of the 5G network, the urban microcell scenario, and the use of omnidirectional antennas on the UE side validate the channel conditions from a perspective closer to a realistic scenario for a pedestrian within a FR2 live network.}, publisher = {Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers}, keywords = {Measurement campaign}, keywords = {Outdoor}, keywords = {Path gain}, title = {Observations on Large-Scale Attenuation Effects in a 26 GHz Urban Micro-Cell Environment}, doi = {10.1109/LWC.2024.3434415}, author = {Ramírez Arroyo, Alejandro and B. Sørensen, Troels and Beltoft, Peter and Christiansen, Henrik and Valenzuela Valdes, Juan Francisco and Mogensen, Preben}, }