@misc{10481/94287, year = {2024}, month = {7}, url = {https://hdl.handle.net/10481/94287}, abstract = {This study aims to investigate the impact of the Holy Quran on the treatment of psychological and linguistic disorders, relying on psychology and modern methods. Learning the language of the Quran significantly aids in acquiring the four skills that form linguistic competence and building a rich linguistic repertoire that facilitates communication. A child’s presence in Quran study circles and interaction with peers in reading the Quran, along with learning proper pronunciation techniques, enhances their self-confidence and linguistic abilities. This, in turn, helps address the problem of stuttering, which often stems from a lack of self-confidence. Is there a relationship between stuttering treatment and the Quran? Can the Holy Quran play a role in resolving and alleviating stuttering disorders?}, publisher = {Universidad de Granada}, keywords = {Quran}, keywords = {Speech}, keywords = {Disorder}, keywords = {Psychological disorders}, keywords = {Stuttering}, title = {The Treatment of Psycholinguistic Disorders with the Holy Quran: Stuttering as a Model}, doi = {10.47750/jett.2024.15.03.017}, author = {Mohamed, Zmit}, }