@misc{10481/92963, year = {2024}, month = {1}, url = {https://hdl.handle.net/10481/92963}, abstract = {This document explain the methodology (data, variables, calculation, etc.) used to evaluate CEP of European companies. First, section 2 presents an overview of TERAIN Europe, highlighting the main differences with other environmental reporting databases. Second, section 3 details the raw data used to create the TERAIN dashboard of European companies. Section 4 then details the way that we assess the potential harms to human health and the environment depending on the nature of the pollutants. For this purpose, we refer to a series of toxicity weighting factors, explaining how they are established and applied. And finally, section 5 underlines the scores and indexes of TERAIN, as a consultation guide.}, organization = {Financiado por el proyecto Project PDC 2021-120953-I00: Creación de un prototipo de cuadro de mandos inteligente sobre emisiones contaminantes de las empresas europeas (Smart Environmental Dashboard, SED)}, keywords = {TERAIN database}, keywords = {E-PRTR}, title = {Data processing at the European level in the TERAIN database: A smart dashboard prototype for corporate environmental performance assessment}, author = {Martin Tapia, Inmaculada and Rueda Manzanares, Antonio and Ortiz Martínez de Mandojana, Natalia and Mellado García, Elena and Ruiz Castillo, María and Aragón Correa, Juan Alberto and Hurtado Torres, Nuria Esther and Aguilera Caracuel, Javier and Delgado Ceballos, Javier and Bueno García, Manuel}, }