@misc{10481/92921, year = {2023}, url = {https://hdl.handle.net/10481/92921}, abstract = {El proyecto consiste en analizar, evaluar y potenciar en estudiantes universitarios determinadas habilidades blandas claves en el mundo profesional. El proyecto consiste en un programa de sesiones en asignaturas de diferentes titulaciones, con el objetivo de involucrar a un mínimo de 200 estudiantes de últimos años de 10 grados en los tres campus de la Universidad (Granada, Ceuta y Melilla). Los 13 miembros del equipo garantizan que ese desarrollo sea posible y, además, adquirirán formación y entrenamiento de cara a iniciar a otros docentes en temáticas relacionadas con las habilidades blandas. El proyecto se centra en 3 competencias fundamentales: Comunicación, Negociación y Persuasión y Trabajo en Equipo. Esta iniciativa se apoya en herramientas digitales innovadoras que facilitan la fase del diagnóstico del colectivo de estudiantes y la obtención de análisis comparativos automatizados que facilitan la labor docente. Con ese objetivo se aplicarán una serie de multitests en clase (se realizan en 15 minutos cada uno), sobre una plataforma digital que permite un informe automático de evaluación con recomendaciones de mejora. El informe incluye una puntuación indicativa de las habilidades de cada sujeto y una comparación de la puntuación obtenida con respecto a puntuaciones medias de otras personas con su perfil de estudios y a niveles de referencia definidos por expertos. Antes de la realización de los test, los profesores realizarían una sesión formativa con orientación sobre la temática e instrucciones precisas para la utilización de los tests y comprensión de los informes. Esta formación será útil para futuras sesiones del docente y para orientar a los estudiantes participantes. Finalmente, los estudiantes pueden participar en talleres dirigidos a mejorar dichas competencias. Se proponen 6 talleres de 2 horas, 2 para cada competencia, 3 en horario de mañana y 3 de tarde, pudiendo participar los estudiantes gratuitamente en 1-2 de su elección.}, abstract = {The project's objective has been to analyze, evaluate, and enhance certain key soft skills in university students that are essential in the professional world (Communication, Negotiation and Persuasion, and Teamwork). The project began with a series of sessions in courses from different degree programs, aiming to involve at least 200 final-year students from 10 different degrees across the three campuses of the University (Granada, Ceuta, and Melilla). The 13 team members ensured that this development was possible. To achieve this, the project utilized innovative digital tools that facilitated the diagnostic phase for the group of students and the acquisition of automated comparative analyses that aid the teaching process. For this purpose, a series of multitests were applied in class (each conducted in 15 minutes) on a digital platform that provides an automatic evaluation report with recommendations for improvement. The report includes an indicative score of each individual's skills and a comparison of the obtained score with average scores of other people with their academic profile and with reference levels defined by experts. Before conducting the tests, the teachers held a training session with orientation on the subject matter and precise instructions for using the tests and understanding the reports. After these introductory presentations and the completion of the tests by the students, they were offered the opportunity to participate in various organized workshops. Six 2-hour workshops were proposed, two workshops for each competence, with three in the morning and three in the afternoon, allowing students to participate for free in up to two workshops of their choice. The most interesting aspect is that these training activities were adapted to the students' level in each competence. Thus, there were basic or advanced workshops, and students registered for those workshops that matched their level (obtained after the tests) according to their learning needs. There was high student participation in the workshops, where students learned how to improve the selected soft skills from experts in the field. The results and practice of the project are entirely transferable to other interested teams in the university community, to all degree programs, courses, subjects, and internships that aim for continuous improvement in student employability.}, organization = {Unidad de Calidad, Prospectiva e Innovación Docente de la Universidad de Granada}, keywords = {Habilidades blandas}, keywords = {Empleabilidad}, keywords = {Estudiantado}, keywords = {Talento}, keywords = {Herramientas digitales}, title = {Análisis y desarrollo de habilidades blandas en sesiones docentes}, author = {Vidal Salazar, María Dolores and Aragón Correa, Juan Alberto and De la Torre Ruiz, José Manuel and Mellado-Garcia, Elena and Ordóñez Borrallo, Rubén and Gómez Haro, Samuel and Cordón Pozo, Eulogio and Delgado Ceballos, Javier and Delgado Márquez, Blanca Luisa and Ruiz-Castillo, María and Bueno García, Manuel and Montalvo Arroyo, Sandra and Córcoles Gil, Carolina}, }