@misc{10481/91681, year = {2023}, url = {https://hdl.handle.net/10481/91681}, abstract = {In a society marked by commerce and competitiveness, age has become an exclusion factor in employment, which affects people aged over 45 years. Based on the voices of the affected individuals in the Spanish context, this study explores the perceived causal attributions for their unemployment situation along with their experiences of job success. We conducted a multi-case study from an autobiographical perspective with ten participants, using indepth interviews and reflective dialogue around life experiences. The results reveal, from a relational approach, the main attributions that emerged during the discourse. In spite of their singularities, the results indicate that the discourses generate shared identity traits, although there is an agreement in indicating age discrimination as one of the main determinants.}, abstract = {U društvu koje je obilježeno trgovinom i tržišnim nadmetanjem, dob je postala isključujući faktor pri zapošljavanju, što utječe na osobe starije od 45 godina. Na temelju iskaza pojedinaca pogođenih time u španjolskom kontekstu, ovaj rad analizira percipirane kauzalne atribucije situacije njihove nezaposlenosti i njihovo iskustvo uspješnosti na poslu. Proveli smo istraživanje više slučajeva iz autobiografske perspektive s deset sudionika, koristeći dubinske intervjue i refleksivni razgovor o životnim iskustvima. Prema relacijskom pristupu, rezultati pokazuju glavne atribucije koje su se pojavile tijekom razgovora. Usprkos njihovim singularitetima, rezultati ukazuju da iz razgovora proizlaze zajedničke osobine identiteta, iako postoji suglasnost da je diskriminacija na temelji dobi jedna od glavnih odrednica.}, publisher = {University of Zagreb}, keywords = {Social inequality}, keywords = {Unemployment}, keywords = {Training}, title = {Why Now? Causal Attributions for Unemployment in Older People in Spain, Based on Their Life Experiences}, doi = {10.3935/rsp.v30i2.1895}, author = {Amber Montes, Diana and Domingo Segovia, Jesús}, }