@misc{10481/91495, year = {2023}, month = {11}, url = {https://hdl.handle.net/10481/91495}, abstract = {In this comprehensive study, we delve deeply into the concept of multivariate total positivity, defining it in accordance with a direction. We rigorously explore numerous salient properties, shedding light on the nuances that characterize this notion. Furthermore, our research extends to establishing distinct forms of dependence among the order statistics of a sample from a distribution function. Our analysis aims to provide a nuanced understanding of the interrelationships within multivariate total positivity and its implications for statistical analysis and probability theory.}, organization = {ERDF Andalucía 2014-2020 (University of Almería) under research project UAL2020-AGR-B1783}, organization = {Project PID2021-122657OB-I00 by the Ministry of Science and Innovation (Spain)}, organization = {Partially supported by the CDTIME of the University of Almería}, publisher = {AIMS Press}, keywords = {Density function}, keywords = {Dependence concept}, keywords = {Failure rate}, title = {Total positivity and dependence of order statistics}, doi = {10.3934/math.20231570}, author = {Amo, Enrique de and Quesada Molina, José Juan and Úbeda-Flores, Manuel}, }