@misc{10481/91446, year = {2024}, month = {1}, url = {https://hdl.handle.net/10481/91446}, abstract = {The aim of the current study is to understand the nature and role of home-based projects for stay-at-home women in terms of their contribution to improving the economic and social situation of the family. Given the complexity of living standards and the rise in costs, families are seeking additional income to meet their essential needs. Women, often primarily responsible for managing household affairs due to their constant presence at home, are particularly interested in initiating home-based projects, partly to collaborate with their spouses in ensuring a decent standard of living for their families. Following the conceptual treatment and field observation of the subject, the study arrived at the following conclusions: - Home-based projects contribute to improving the economic situation of the family and ensuring self-sufficiency. - Through home-based projects, women have gained a good social reputation, leading to a change in the social status of the family. - Some women in the sample have achieved significant success in their projects, expanding and developing their activities.}, publisher = {Universidad de Granada}, keywords = {Women}, keywords = {Home-based projects}, keywords = {Stay-at-home}, keywords = {Socioeconomic status}, keywords = {Family}, title = {The Home-Based Project of Stay-at-Home Women and Its Role in Improving Family Well-being: A Case Study of Successful Project Models}, author = {Khadidja, Lebbihi}, }