@misc{10481/91171, year = {2023}, url = {https://hdl.handle.net/10481/91171}, abstract = {The presence of the Italian nations in Castile is a well-known subject. However, much remains to be studied, particularly about mercantile diplomacy, which has received little attention so far. On this occasion, lesser-known and complementary aspects will be addressed: for Genoa, the way in which its position was consolidated, as well as new information about its consuls in Seville. Regarding Venice, the 14th century privileges, the consulates of Seville and Cadiz and its role in the mercantile politics of the dukes of Medina Sidonia. Last, this book chapter deals with the conditions of lesser known communities: Pisans, Placentines, Florentines and Milanese.}, publisher = {Instituto de Estudios Riojanos}, keywords = {Castilla}, keywords = {Genoveses}, keywords = {Venecianos}, keywords = {Castile}, keywords = {Genoese}, keywords = {Venetians}, title = {Privilegios, franquicias y consulados. Naciones italianas y diplomacia mercantil en la Castilla bajomedieval}, author = {González Arévalo, Raúl}, }