@misc{10481/90239, year = {2012}, url = {https://hdl.handle.net/10481/90239}, abstract = {This paper analyses the changes in the production of Nasrid lustre-ware, a type of luxury pottery. he evolution of the techniques used throughout the production process will be studied, so to understand the changes that underlie a readjustment to the transformation in the production and distribution processes. We are also going to study different areas where trade was flourishing, like the eastern coast of the Iberian Peninsula, where the technique masterly used in Granada was transmitted. hese centres were ready to sustain the development of a production system that fulfilled the requirements of the new trading system: the techniques transferred to these areas included technical know-out in pottery making.}, organization = {HUM2006-06210}, publisher = {All'Insegna del Giglio}, title = {El azul en la producción cerámica bajomedieval de las áreas islámica y cristiana de la Península Ibérica}, author = {García Porras, Alberto}, }