@misc{10481/89543, year = {2023}, month = {12}, url = {https://hdl.handle.net/10481/89543}, abstract = {The architectures best suited to arrogate a meaning, a secret or a memory, are those whose forms capture the air, whose skin cuts through the void while its trace contours the environment and outlines the horizon, paralyzing time with its presence in a sometimes real context withscrupulous limits, sometimes fictitious with diffuse contours. In both cases, aware of the challenge that research aimed at the acquisition of skills required in continuous training represents in stimulating learning in Architecture, the architectural model of a constructive nature becomes an effective tool for exploration, since it allows interdisciplinary interaction between the representation and the materiality of the architectural project; thus postulating itself as an excellent feedback instrument where the initial graphic representation is confronted with the tangible reality of the models that are built. This “feedback” between the project idea and its materialization drives reflection, critical analysis and optimization of designs through mastery of what is projected through correct and exact planimetry, fundamental for the development of the architect’s profession. The combination and systematic integration of the virtuality of digital resources and the corporeality of the model in its infinite versions, drives the evolution of understanding procedures, achieving benefits that guarantee the survival of the traditional model, justifying its growing interest in learning architecture. Furthermore, together with transversality as an essential means in the training of the Architect’s profession, the aim is to normalize the inertia of the “Scientific Investigative Method” as conduct, and even as a routine of innovation within traditional basic teaching. The aim is to demonstrate the usefulness of this resource to resolve, with sound criteria, the obligatory tangible expression of the materiality of the proposed architectural model with basic construction techniques and systems.}, organization = {HUM-1056}, publisher = {Departamento de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica y en la Ingeniería. Universidad de Granada}, keywords = {Model}, keywords = {Investigation}, keywords = {Construction}, keywords = {Project}, title = {The model as research methodology in the materialización of the Architectural Idea}, author = {Martínez Ramos e Iruela, Roser and García Nofuentes, Juan Francisco and Sánchez Samos, Mario and López Berenguer, Rocio}, }