@misc{10481/88568, year = {2022}, url = {https://hdl.handle.net/10481/88568}, abstract = {Emotional intelligence is a widely researched construct, as well as its connection with different areas of human development, such as personal, social, academic or professional. In the work area, it plays an important role for those who perform jobs that involve a high interpersonal relationship and high emotional activation, such as teachers. However, the emotional intelligence of university professors seems to have received little attention. The purpose of this paper is to explore the scientific publications related to the emotional intelligence of university teachers in order to know the state of research and to detect trends and future lines of work. and to detect trends and future lines of work. To this end, a systematized review of the scientific literature contained in the WOS, SCOPUS and ERIC databases has been carried out by adopting the SALSA framework (Codina, 2018) and criteria of the PRISMA protocol for systematic reviews (Page et al., 2020). The results show a scarce scientific production and with an incipient character, where a wide field remains to be discovered and investigated, not only for the sake of the quality of education offered to students but also for the positive impact it can have on the life of the teacher and on that of the university institution itself.}, organization = {Proyecto de investigación I+D+i con fondos PAIDI 2020 Junta de Andalucía, titulado “El desarrollo personal en la formación inicial del docente: la empatía del estudiantado y del profesorado” (Ref. P20_00698).}, publisher = {Aula Magna-McGraw Hill}, title = {Qué interés tiene la inteligencia emocional del docente universitario como objeto de estudio}, author = {Villena Martínez, María Dolores and García Jiménez, Marta and Ríos Jiménez, Mª Asunción and Aragón Carretero, Yolanda}, }