@misc{10481/88206, year = {2017}, url = {https://hdl.handle.net/10481/88206}, abstract = {In this work I will present three points. First of all, I will speak about the paradox between deconstruction and reivindication of the subject in René Girard and Jean-Michel Oughourlian. Secondly, I will propose five figures of the Ego of Desire that I have found in Oughourlian's work. And finally I will try to make the transition from the Ego of Desire to the Ego of Will. Este trabajo aborda tres cuestiones principales. Primero, la paradoja entre deconstrucción y reivindicación del sujeto en René Girard y Jean-Michel Oughourlian. Segundo, proponemos cinco figuras del yo del deseo que encontramos en Oughourlian. Finalmente recorremos el camino que va del ‘yo del deseo’ al ‘yo de la voluntad’.}, keywords = {Philosophy of the Subject}, keywords = {Interdividual Psychology}, keywords = {René Girard}, keywords = {Jean-Michel Oughourlian}, title = {From the Ego of Desire to the Ego of Will}, author = {Moreno Fernández, Agustín}, }