@misc{10481/87776, year = {2021}, url = {https://hdl.handle.net/10481/87776}, abstract = {El presente trabajo quiere dar cuenta del pensamiento de Pedro Cruz Villalón en torno al Convenio Europeo de Derechos Humanos. Para ello me fijo en el uso del Convenio que nuestro autor hizo en un primer momento, dada su condición de magistrado constitucional, y dentro del debate sobre la existencia de contenidos absolutos de los derechos fundamentales. Sobre la existencia de contenidos absolutos vuelvo en el último epígrafe del trabajo, el cuarto, donde se trata la cuestión de la identidad constitucional y su relación con el Convenio. Antes, en el epígrafe segundo, se analiza el asunto de la calidad de la ley, tema sobre el que nuestro autor ha reflexionado en su condición de juez constitucional, académico y abogado general. Esta conexión del problema con su actuación en el Tribunal de Justicia, abre asimismo una veta de calado sobre la utilidad del Convenio en el proceso de integración europea, y a la vez su relación con la Carta, elementos que se tratan en el epígrafe tercero. Estudiar el uso que Pedro Cruz Villalón ha hecho del Convenio, tiene un interés que trasciende a su propia obra, ya que muestra gran parte de los temas que han hilado el derecho público europeo en el último medio siglo. Encarna el camino que ha ido de la construcción constitucional del derecho público nacional hacia la reelaboración constitucional del derecho de la unión. Cruz Villalón es un jurista del Siglo XX y para el Siglo XXI; y su ejemplo vital e intelectual es un estímulo para el futuro.}, abstract = {Pedro Cruz Villalón has made an essential contribution to the formation and development of Spanish constitutional law. Born in Seville (1946), he was awarded his doctorate from his city’s university in 1975, when Franco’s dictatorship was coming to its end yet it was still a folly to believe that a democratic regime was approaching. In 1986, he obtained his Constitutional Law Chair, at which time the teaching and growth of this scientific branch in Spain were flourishing. His responsibilities soon transcended the academic sphere when he was appointed to the Constitutional Court in 1992, then presiding over it from 1998 to 2001. Later, he would work as Advocate General of the Court of Justice of the European Union between 2009 and 2015, thereby giving his career an unquestionably European perspective. Today, he lectures at the Autonomous University of Madrid. This paper describes Pedro Cruz Villalón’s thoughts on the European Convention on Human Rights in his work as a lecturer, constitutional judge and Advocate General. In the first section I analyse the concept of quality of law. This topic, in connection with his work in the European Court of Justice, opens up a reflection on the usefulness of the Convention in the process of European integration, and also on the Convention’s relationship with the European Charter of Fundamental Rights. These aspects will be dealt with in the second section. Finally, I analyse Pedro Cruz Villalón’s position on the matter of constitutional identity and its link with the Convention. The interest in the use that Pedro Cruz Villalón has made of the Convention transcends his own work, since his work shows many of the topics that have woven European public law in the last half-century. It reflects the path trodden from the constitutional construction of national public law to the constitutional design of Union Law.}, publisher = {Mohr Siebeck}, title = {The European Convention on Human Rights in the Academic and Judicial Work of Pedro Cruz Villalón}, author = {Azpitarte Sánchez, Miguel}, }