@misc{10481/87561, year = {2019}, month = {8}, url = {https://hdl.handle.net/10481/87561}, abstract = {Schistidium convergens is described as a new species from southern Spain and northern Morocco, based on morphological and molecular data. The species is fully described and illustrated, its affinities are discussed in detail, and its current distribution mapped. The species is distinguished morphologically by its usually smooth leaf margins, sometimes with short papillae towards the leaf apex, recurved from the leaf base to the apex on both sides, rectangular basal leaf cells, quadrate to short-rectangular, subhyaline basal marginal cells with slightly thickened transverse walls, and irregular, isodiametric, quadrate to short rectangular, sometime oblate distal and medial exothecial cells. A table with characters to distinguish this species from S. apocarpum, the morphologically most similar species, and a phylogenetic analysis in order to detect relationships of the new species with nearby taxa based on the rDNA ITS region are provided. The new species is located in a clade with S. confertum, S. marginale and S. frigidum, among others.}, organization = {This research was carried out with financial support from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain (Proyect CGL2015/64068-P) and FEDER}, publisher = {Schwizertbart Science Publishers - Nova Hedwigia}, title = {Schistidium convergens (Grimmiaceae, Bryophyta), a new species from southern Spain and Morocco}, doi = {doi.org/10.1127/nova_hedwigia/2019/0529}, author = {Guerra, Juan and Jiménez Martínez, Juan Francisco and Cano, Maria Jesús and Alonso, Marta and Gallego, Maria Teresa}, }