@misc{10481/86947, year = {2018}, url = {https://hdl.handle.net/10481/86947}, abstract = {The relationship between literature and social networking sites (SNS) is a material context in which authors and readers merge into each other to create a literary communicative process that transforms contemporary politics. The aim of this paper is to analyse the communicative process by investigating the continuum between matter and discourse from a new materialist approach. From social sites, we can understand how elements, such as readers, authors, context, novels, culture and digital platforms, “intra-act” (Barad 2007) to create an affecting/ed communicative process. We propose feminist new materialism as a theoretical terrain that helps to reconfigure politics and communication in order to build a methodological framework for contemporary feminist politics and theory related to Literature. Using a digital genealogy and the theory of new materialism, we identify communication in literature as a trapping force in which different elements intra-act with each other and become indivisible. Affecting/ed communication is a dynamic conceptualization, a literary activity in which active agents participate in creative spaces for future social changes.}, organization = {Programa de doctorado IN3 sobre la sociedad de la información y el conocimiento (UOC) COST IS1307: Networking European New Materialisms: How matter comes to matter}, keywords = {Comunicación}, keywords = {Crítica del discurso}, keywords = {Nuevos materialismos feministas}, title = {Communication and Feminist New Materialism: Methodologies to understand the continuum between matter and discourse}, doi = {10.3224/fzg.v24i1.04}, author = {Revelles Benavente, Beatriz and González Ramos, Ana M.}, }