@misc{10481/86841, year = {2019}, url = {https://hdl.handle.net/10481/86841}, abstract = {In this article, we are going to carry out a parallel analysis of the concepts страх // fear in Russian and miedo // fear in Spanish with a view to addressing two issues: 1) the translation of the noun страх into Spanish, and 2) the translation of actions associated with this noun. In order to address the first issue, we studied two translations into Spanish of the work Белая Гвардия // La Guardia blanca // The White Guard by Bulgakov: that of Pablo Díaz Mora and that of José Laín Entralgo. The analysis which was carried out allowed us to structure the parameters that must be considered when translating the noun страх and to understand the strategies followed by the previously mentioned translators when translating this concept. In order to analyse the second issue, we researched the actions associated with the presence of the noun страх in Russian and their translations into Spanish, making use of the national corpus of the Russian language (RUSSCORPORA). In this study, we show how the noun страх can appear in statements in which it performs the function of a direct object (преодолеть страх) and of a subject (страх мучил меня) as well as in structures of the type страх Vf + prep. (oт, из, с, в) + страх (дрожать от страха). This study allowed us to confirm to what extent the actions associated with the presence of страх can find equivalents in Spanish, and what the most suitable strategies and techniques are there for their translation into Spanish.}, publisher = {Leidykla Technologija}, keywords = {Conceptualisation of emotions}, keywords = {Fear}, keywords = {Associated actions}, keywords = {translation studies}, keywords = {Russian}, keywords = {Spanish language}, title = {Analysis of the Concept of cтрах and fear and Associated Actions in Russian and their Translation into Spanish}, doi = {10.5755/j01.sal.0.34.21104}, author = {Votyakova, Irina and Quero Gervilla, Enrique F.}, }