@misc{10481/86802, year = {2021}, month = {5}, url = {https://hdl.handle.net/10481/86802}, abstract = {Objective. To evaluate optical properties, and translucency and opalescence parameters of one-shaded resin-based composites. Methods. Three one-shaded resin composites (OM — Omnichroma; VP — Venus Pearl; and VD — Venus Diamond) and a group-shaded resin composite (FU- Filtek Universal A2) were used. Three composite discs from each material were fabricated for each of the following thickness: 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 mm. Diffuse reflectance was measured against white and black backgrounds using a calibrated spectroradiometer, CIE D65 illuminant and the CIE 45◦/0◦ geometry. Translucency parameter (TP) was calculated using E* ab and E00. Scattering (S) and absorption (K) coefficients and transmittance (T%) were calculated using Kubelka–Munk’s equations, and a reflection spectrophotometer was used to mea- sure the opalescence parameter (OP). Data was statistically analyzed using Kruskal–Wallis, Mann–Whitney tests, and VAF coefficient. Results. Spectral distributions of S, K and T were wavelength dependent, showing significant differences between materials of the same thickness and for different thicknesses of the same material (p < 0.001). OM showed the greatest translucency values for all thicknesses. Translucency decreased as thickness increased with statistically significant differences (p < 0.005). Values of TPab and TP00 between thicknesses were above of translucency thresh- olds for all materials. VP and VD showed the lowest OP values. Significance. One-shaded resin-based composites showed different optical behavior than the group-shaded resin-based composite. Understanding the optical behavior of the one-shaded resin-based composites is essential to optimize their clinical performance.}, organization = {Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities PGC2018-101904-A-100, EQC2019-005920}, organization = {University of Granada, Spain (A.TEP.280.UGR18)}, organization = {CNPq do Brasil (302587/2017-9)}, publisher = {Elsevier}, keywords = {Translucency}, keywords = {Scattering}, keywords = {Absorption}, keywords = {Transmittance}, keywords = {Opalescence}, keywords = {One-shaded resin-based composite}, keywords = {Group-shaded resin-based}, keywords = {Composites}, title = {Optical behavior of one-shaded resin-based composites}, doi = {10.1016/j.dental.2021.02.011}, author = {Lucena Martín, Cristina and Ruiz López, Javier and Pulgar Encinas, Rosa María and Della Bona, Alvaro and Pérez Gómez, María del Mar}, }