@misc{10481/86645, year = {2022}, url = {https://hdl.handle.net/10481/86645}, abstract = {Studies on the intersection between women’s education, motivations for entrepreneurship, and the structural constraints women face in Sub-Saharan Africa are scarce. In this study, we analyse the influence of education level on how women entrepreneurs in Uganda define business success. To this end, a total of 109 female agribusiness entrepreneurs were interviewed. The results firstly show that women’s definition of business success and their level of education are intertwined. Secondly, that the main definitions of success are business performance, economic independence, and family welfare, which can be categorized in terms of women’s practical interest, strategic interest, or a continuum of both, and where the education level of women is an influencing factor. The study has practical implications for policies aimed at women’s economic empowerment and education. To transform the structure of gender relations, more opportunities for women’s entrepreneurial training and child education are also needed, as well gender-sensitive indicators of business success that account for the particular interests of women in specific contexts.}, publisher = {Taylor and Francis Online}, keywords = {Female agribusiness entrepreneurs Uganda}, title = {Female gender interests and education in women entrepreneurs’ definition of success in Uganda}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1080/08985626.2022.2128897}, author = {Manzanera Ruiz, Roser and Namasembe, Olga Margret Maria and Barrales Molina, Vanesa}, }