@misc{10481/86137, year = {2016}, url = {https://hdl.handle.net/10481/86137}, abstract = {Exploration and characterisation of the Gran Vía de Colón in GranadaThe Gran Vía de Colón of Granada is recognized as the main artery of the historic centre of the city and in itself constitutes an exceptional catalog of the eclectic architecture of the first third of the XXth century in the Spanish and European scene. The scarce historical researches realized on this street do not address the analysis of the heritage inherited taking into account architectural discipline -project design, constructive practice, reflexive practice-. This study presents the process followed and the first conclusions of the analysis of the research project Memory of the construction of the Gran Vía de Colón and its buildings characterization, recreating the moment in which the complete set of this hereditary good is finished in 1934. With the aim of identifying the constructive and architectural typology of this avenue, has been carried out a study based on critical analysis of historical documents that contain the administrative procedures for licensing and registry of buildings in Public Finance, as well as on the material study of a representative sample of the same ones. From the knowledge of the obtained results and its diffusion, information of great interest is provided for an intentional future action on this street, transcending legal and protection determinations that regulate intervention on the immovable heritage studied.}, keywords = {Municipal Archives of Granada}, keywords = {Provincial Historic Archive of Granada}, keywords = {Eclectic Architecture}, keywords = {Documentary sources}, keywords = {Gran Vía de Colón in Granada}, keywords = {Constructive Typology}, title = {Exploration and characterisation of the Gran Vía de Colón in Granada}, doi = {https://www.iaph.es/revistaph/index.php/revistaph/article/view/4066}, author = {Martínez Ramos e Iruela, Roser}, }