@misc{10481/85399, year = {2023}, month = {8}, url = {https://hdl.handle.net/10481/85399}, abstract = {Using MUSE data, we investigate the radial gradients of stellar population properties (namely age, [M/H], and the abundance ratio of α elements [α/Fe]) for a sample of nine dwarf early-type (dE) galaxies with log(M⋆/M⊙) ∼ 9.0 and an infall time onto the Virgo cluster of 2–3 Gyr ago. We followed a similar approach as in Bidaran et al. to derive their stellar population properties and star formation histories (SFHs) through fitting observed spectral indices and full spectral fitting, respectively. We find that these nine dE galaxies have truncated [Mg/Fe] versus [Fe/H] profiles than equally massive Virgo dE galaxies with longer past infall times. Short profiles of three dE galaxies are the result of their intense star formation which has been quenched long before their accretion onto the Virgo cluster, possibly as a result of their group environment. In the remaining six dE galaxies, profiles mainly trace a recent episode of star burst within 0.4Re which results in higher light-weighted [α/Fe] values. The latter SFH peak can be due to ram pressure exerted by the Virgo cluster at the time of the accretion of the dE galaxies. Also, we show that younger, more metal-rich, and less α-enhanced stellar populations dominate their inner regions (i.e. < 0.4Re) resulting in mainly flat ∇age, negative ∇[M/H], and positive ∇[α/Fe]. We find that with increasing log(σRe) of dE galaxies, ∇age and ∇[α/Fe] flatten, and the latter correlation persists even after including early-type galaxies up to log(σRe ∼ 2.5), possibly due to the more extended star formation activity in the inner regions of dEs, as opposed to more massive early-type galaxies.}, organization = {European Union’s Horizon 2020 - Research and Innovation Framework Programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 721463 to the SUNDIAL ITN network.}, organization = {The RAVET project by the grant PID2019-107427GB-C32 from the Spanish Ministry of Science}, organization = {Innovation and Universities (MCIU)}, organization = {Consejerría de Economía, Industria, Comercio y Conocimiento of the Canary Islands Autonomous Community}, organization = {The European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020}, organization = {Research and Innovation Framework Programme under grant agreement No. 724857 (Consolidator Grant ArcheoDyn)}, organization = {STFC grant ST/T000244/1}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, keywords = {Galaxies dwarf}, keywords = {Galaxies: evolution}, keywords = {Content}, keywords = {Galaxies: structure}, title = {On the accretion of a new group of galaxies onto Virgo –III. The stellar population radial gradients of dEs}, doi = {10.1093/mnras/stad2546}, author = {Bidaran, Bahar}, }