@misc{10481/84056, year = {2023}, month = {7}, url = {https://hdl.handle.net/10481/84056}, abstract = {This article analyzes some linguistic and psychological features of emotive phraseological units on the example of Russian phraseology. In particular, the level of study of Russian emotive phraseological units in the field of emotionology, the views of researchers on the category "emotivity", as well as views on some linguo-cognitive features of nominal and verbal phraseological units in Russian phraseology are studied. At the same time, special attention is paid to the classification characteristics of emotive phraseological units from a logical and psychological point of view.}, publisher = {Universidad de Granada}, keywords = {Nominal and verbal phraseological units}, keywords = {Emotions}, keywords = {Emotiveness}, keywords = {Semantics}, keywords = {Paradigmatics}, keywords = {Russian studies}, keywords = {Semantics}, title = {Verbal And Nominal Phraseological Units With The Meaning Of Emotions And Feelings}, author = {Sabina Yusufovna, Yuldasheva}, }