@misc{10481/83597, year = {1993}, month = {12}, url = {https://hdl.handle.net/10481/83597}, abstract = {Se describe en este artículo la creación del Centro Andaluz de Farmacovigilancia. Se intenta explicar que es la Farmacovigilancia y para qué sirve. Igualmente se describen los principales sistemas y metodologías empleadas en Farmacovigilancia. Se hace especial hincapié en la notificación espontánea de reacciones adversas a medicamentos mediante la Tarjeta Amarilla, presentando ejemplos de cómo notificar. Tratando de perseguir que sea una guía práctica para facilitar la notificación a médicos y farmacéuticos.}, abstract = {This article describes the creation of the Andalusian Center of Drug surveillance. It tries to explain what the Drug surveilance is and what it is useful for it also deals with the main systems and methodology used in Drug surveillance as well as it pays special attention to the spontaneus notification of adverse drug reactions through the yellow cardo AII this is shown with examples of notifications. The purpose of the article is to be become a guide to facilitate the process of notification to doctors and pharmacist.}, publisher = {Universidad de Granada, Facultad de Farmacia.}, title = {Centro andaluz de farmacovigilancia}, author = {Arias González, Alfonso}, }