@misc{10481/83559, year = {2023}, month = {6}, url = {https://hdl.handle.net/10481/83559}, abstract = {This article explores the possibilities offered by multiliteracies pedagogy as an inclusive pedagogical practice for adults. The main aim of this narrative review is to summarize the benefits of the multiliteracies approach for adult learners and to synthesize the best language practices of this approach for adult learners. The PRISMA protocol was followed to assess the research published between 2011 and 2021. Using the SPIDER search tool, studies with adults aged 16+ were selected. Finally, the mixed methods assessment tool MMAT was used for critical appraisal of the studies. The analysis shows that studies contextualized their research within a variety of conceptual topics related to adult multiliteracies: multimodal classroom practices, teachers’ professional development, family-based literacy practices, literacy and identity, affective factors and translingualism as a pedagogical practice in adult education. Our findings offer an updated conceptualization of multiliteracies for adult learners. We conclude that an adult learner-centered perspective seems still to be underdeveloped. A framework including all types of literacies, connecting multimodality to multilingualism, acculturation and social resilience is still needed to better understand the language acquisition process of adult learners.}, organization = {R + D+i project “Multiliteracies for adult at-risk learners of additional languages (MultiLits)” (PID2020-113460RB-I00)}, organization = {The Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación with international universities}, publisher = {Universidad de Granada}, keywords = {Multiliteracies}, keywords = {Adult education}, keywords = {Language Learning}, keywords = {Literacies}, keywords = {Multimodality}, keywords = {Multiliteracidad}, keywords = {Educación de adultos}, keywords = {Aprendizaje de lenguas}, keywords = {Alfabetización}, keywords = {Multimodalidad}, title = {Multiliteracies for adult language learners: a narrative review}, doi = {10.30827/portalin.vi40.26661}, author = {García Barroso, Lorena and Fonseca Mora, M.Carmen}, }