@misc{10481/83247, year = {2023}, month = {5}, url = {https://hdl.handle.net/10481/83247}, abstract = {This research aims to know (the relationship between Hawkins strategy and reading comprehension), and the researcher presented an explanation of the concept of the strategy and its stages, and identified the levels, principles and stages of reading comprehension, and what is the impact of the strategy on the development of reading comprehension and skills, and it turned out that there is a relationship between Hawkins strategy and reading comprehension through the stages of the strategy (the stage of circle/ openness and freedom, the stage of triangle/guided exploration, and the stage of triangle/ guidance and guidance), as the stages of the strategy develop and develop the process of reading comprehension and help him to think and understand meaning.}, publisher = {Universidad de Granada}, keywords = {The Hawkins Strategy}, keywords = {Reading comprehension}, title = {Reading Comprehension and it’s Relationship to the Hawkins Strategy}, doi = {10.47750/jett.2023.14.03.041}, author = {Hammadi, Hassan Khalbas and Hashem, Asma Qasim}, }