@misc{10481/82157, year = {2023}, month = {3}, url = {https://hdl.handle.net/10481/82157}, abstract = {In the last fifteen years, changes have been taking place in education systems at the international and national levels that aim to achieve, in the near future, the objectives set by the UN International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (hereafter CRPD). Spain is no stranger to these objectives, as recognized in the new Organic Law for the Modification of the Law on the Organization of Education. This situation makes it necessary to know the perceptions that professionals in training (about to graduate) from faculties of education have about the legal content established by articles 4.1.i and 24 of the CRPD on inclusive education. In order to ascertain these perceptions, the EPACO-DI-1 instrument was used in a quantitative and confirmatory study by means of a multivariate factor analysis (CFA), applying the parallel estimation method of ordinary least squares (OLS) and principal axes with polychoric correlation and promax oblique rotation. This study involved 552 fourth-year students between the ages of 21 and over 45 from the specializations offered by the Faculty of Education of the University of Murcia. The obtained results are consistent and show the validity of the EPACODI-1 scale for determining the perceptions of professionals in training on inclusive education.}, organization = {DIDE research group of the Department of Didactics and School Organization of the Faculty of Education of the University of Murcia}, publisher = {MDPI}, keywords = {Inclusive education}, keywords = {International convention}, keywords = {Perception}, keywords = {Training}, keywords = {University students}, title = {Validation of the EPACODI-1 Scale: University Students’ Perceptions of Inclusive Education}, doi = {10.3390/ejihpe13030049}, author = {Morales-Endrino, José-Antonio and Molina-Saorín, Jesús and Marín Marín, José Antonio}, }